Stress And Our Health in San Clemente

Stress And Our Health in San Clemente

smiling lady

Stress is an outside force and often an invisible threat to our health. And how we deal with this stress can ultimately affect our overall health. Seems obvious right? You’d think so, but I often discover after delving a little deeper into the potential cause of a person’s pain that there is something missing. And trust me it’s not the meds their taking. The allopathic approach to pain and their mechanistic view of health is to “cure” the problem through prescription drugs. If there’s a headache, here’s a headache medication; low back pain, here’s Motrin and some flexerol, and come back in a few weeks, and if it’s still bothering you we’ll try something else. Hold on a moment, let’s back up.

Let’s get to the cause of your suffering. It’s easy when someone has had an injury, or an accident as the cause of their pain, but what about when there is no known cause for their pain. Nine times out of ten I’ll discover that someone is losing their job, or is having relationship problems, or the children are struggling with issues, the bottom line is, they’re dealing with some kind of major stress in their lives. There are emotional, physical, and chemical stressors that if not addressed from within will keep one from finding true health and well being. My point is let’s look beyond the surface. Pain and disease, or as I like to say dis-ease, are everywhere, and it’s easy to get a prescription to mask the problem.

But why not start with fixing the cause. Acknowledging that life is built on many kinds of stress, both good and bad, is the first step. Now it’s time to take action. Turn off the tv, exercise, eat whole foods, read and watch inspirational stuff, get your nervous system checked. This all sounds so simple, but it works, at least it works for me.

A doctor of chiropractic can advise you on integrating a holistic approach with spinal Adjusting, strength training, flexibility, and sound nutrition.

And don’t forget if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participation in your lifelong good health. Visit our website for specials and health information.


9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

San Clemente Chiropractic
131 West El Portal
San Clemente, CA 92672
(949) 492-5511