I Was In an Auto Accident in San Clemente, Cause of My Neck Pain?

I Was In an Auto Accident in San Clemente, Cause of My Neck Pain?

The short answer is yes. What people don’t realize is that the symptoms from a whiplash injury often show up much later than the accident itself. In more severe accidents pain can be immediate, but more often in low impact accidents pain is not the primary symptom.
Whiplash causes the neck bones to displace from the stretched ligaments and discs. Over months the bones gradually creep further out of alignment due to the damaged ligaments. Since gravity is working all of the time, the tendency over time is for the misalignments to get worse. Once a critical threshold is reached, scar tissue takes hold, the nerves become irritated and chronic pain develops. Because the patient did not receive corrective care to restore the cervical curvature and restore a normal range of motion, symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, arm pain, and numbness can all be related back to the original whiplash injury even though the injury seemed minor at the time.
Remember, it’s the low impact accidents which result in chronic problems in the future. The reason for this is most people feel because there is no significant pain then there is no injury. Nothing is further from the truth. It has been demonstrated conclusively that seemingly harmless low-speed rear-end collisions are capable of producing damaging forces to the head and neck. Myofascial structures can be stretched; asymmetric increases in muscle tension can develop, causing altered joint movement; the facets can become affected, and posture altered. X-rays often will reveal a significant loss of normal neck curvature years after the accident occurred, and this abnormal curvature can lead to premature degenerative disc disease.
It is important to get your spine checked out after an automobile collision regardless of how you feel. There have been countless times in my practice when individuals have come in with neck problems that can be related back to an accident that happened years ago, even though at time their symptoms were minimal. The scar tissue has developed, the normal neck curve is gone, and the symptoms have become chronic. It’s much more difficult, and takes more time to correct the spine after an injury with the passage of time. I say it all the time: “I wish we could have taken care of this years ago”. But, of course, there is no point in dwelling in the past; we’ve got work to do.
A doctor of chiropractic can advise you on integrating a holistic approach with spinal Adjusting, strength training, flexibility, and sound nutrition.
And don’t forget if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participation in your lifelong good health. Visit our website for specials and health information.
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
San Clemente Chiropractic
131 West El Portal
San Clemente, CA 92672
(949) 492-5511